Saturday, June 24, 2006

If you're joining the ring

For new joiners, please don't forget to add the ring code. There are several blogs sitting in the queue that are still missing the codes. I have emailed them to the addresses that have registered.

In the meantime, you must visit these new blogs that I have just added today. Both are UK based :

Tusa of Knitplosion is working away on Loll while cheering on England and
Carol of Mad for Knit has started a Christmas Stocking

and Skumring, a danish blog written in English and get this, there's a lot of lacing happening here.

anf if you're up for a contest, visit Joanne. She's offering an opportunity to win Fair Isling on Blue Moon by the people that brought you Socks that Rock. Contest open until June 30th! Good luck


Blogger Craftybernie said...

Hi There! Sorry for the delay in setting things up. My outlook account has been inaccessible for quite a while now and have only just recovered it. I have amended my details on Ringsurf.

My blog is
My Ringsurf id is 180
My new e-mail is: (previously

I have also sent you an e-mail but thought it would be helpful to leave a comment too (or not).

Let me know if you would like me to resubmit my info to ringsurf for the Rowanettes ring.

Best wishes..bernie

4:03 PM  

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